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Huntsville mayor declares Nov 4. Tree Planting Day

Green Team provides the holes and planting supplies - you provide the manpower.

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Mayor Tommy Battle and the City of Huntsville’s Green Team will host the Mayor’s annual Tree Planting Day in John Hunt Park on Saturday, Nov. 4. The event is designed to bring community volunteers together to grow Huntsville’s tree canopy.

Participation is easy! Green Team will prep the holes and provide all planting supplies. Mayor Battle, City Arborist Marc Byers and Green Team will have plenty of planting tips to share, too. All they need is the community’s help in creating a green environment.

“Many hands make light work, and the best way to secure a future for generations to come is by investing in planting trees now,” Mayor Battle said. “We invite our residents to join us in our commitment to a greener, more sustainable city by helping plant hundreds of trees in Huntsville’s largest park.

Landscape Management Director Brian Walker said his department carefully selects a variety of hardwood species that are the best ecological fit for an active park. 

“Through our Tree Canopy program, the City plants, prunes and cares for thousands of trees,” said Walker. “We enjoy being stewards of Huntsville’s urban forest and we need everyone’s help to protect and expand this vital natural resource.”

Why plant trees? Now more than ever, trees and forests are a vital component of healthy, livable and sustainable cities. They are the #1 defense against extreme heat, absorb carbon from the environment, and make our urban spaces more attractive.

Mayor Battle’s two-hour tree planting event on Saturday runs from 9-11 a.m. Green Team will have coffee and donuts and will give away free seedling trees while supplies last. Volunteers may drop in any time, and all ages are encouraged to participate. Park at 2315 Airport Road and look for the Green Team signs.

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