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Decatur council mulls change to repossession ordinance in wake of Perkins death

Steve Perkins was shot by a Decatur officer following a dispute over a repossession. The city ordinance changes include notifying police before an attempted tow.

DECATUR, Ala. — Decatur city council members on Monday held a public reading over proposed changes to city ordinances surrounding the towing and repossession of vehicles. The changes come in the wake of the Steve Perkins police shooting death, a situation that allegedly stemmed from an attempted towing in September 2023.

According to the document posted to the City of Decatur website prior to the council meeting, the amended ordinance includes the following changes:

  • Adds the definition of a "repossession agent" as "any person whose purpose using a wrecker or other means is to repossess, take possession of, quarantine or disable any motor vehicle ... either for themselves or as agents for another person or entity”
  • Adds that such agents must notify Decatur Police at least 30 minutes prior to an attempted repossession with information relevant to the vehicle and location of repossession, and that "No repossession agent shall take any action which deviates materially from the notice initially provided to the police department and shall not breach the peace in attempting or carrying out the repossession."
  • Agent shall notify police within one hour to update on whether the repossession was or was not successful, and provide relevant information.

Violations of this ordinance could result in a misdemeanor charge against the "agent(s," carrying with it up to six months of jail time and a fine of up to $500. This is in addition to any penalties resulting from a charge of wrongful repossession.

The ordinance faces further discussion before a vote on acceptance.

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