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Fourth of July boating safety information, laws | ALEA Q&A

Going boating this Fourth of July weekend? Make sure to have lots of fun and stay safe!

GUNTERSVILLE, Ala. — The Fourth of July weekend means lots of families will be out on lakes boating. We asked ALEA Senior Trooper Jacob Mayo several questions about how to stay safe this holiday weekend:

Q: As a trooper, what is your favorite part of Fourth of July working on the water?

Mayo: "My favorite part is just seeing everybody have fun, being out on the water myself, being able to serve the public and just be available if needed. That can be assisting stranded vessels, towing people in or just enforcing the laws, safety laws, marine laws of the state of Alabama."

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Q: Do you think that there are any misconceptions about being on the water in general when it comes to safety?

Mayo: "Yes, because it's not like the roadway out here. We have rules of the road, but people get out and just think it's a fun time and dismiss the safety aspect of it, when there's so many hazards and dangers out here that people need to be aware of their surroundings all the time. Be looking constantly for other boaters, personal watercrafts, kids, people swimming in the water. Constantly there's a safety aspect of it and so people need to be mindful at all times."

Q: What do you think is the most important rule people should know?

Mayo: "What people should know is, to make sure they wear their safety vest. When they're out of the boat, into the water, they need to have it on. They need to have available lifevests for everybody on board. If a child is under 8-years-old, they need to have a lifevest on at all times while in the boat. That's a big one. Kayakers, people that kayak, need to at least have a safety vest available to them in the kayak at all times. Boating under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not tolerated and it will be enforced and it's a big safety concern we have at Lake Guntersville."

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Q: Where can people go to review water safety information and rules?

Mayo: "Go to www.alea.gov and they will have the marine laws and violations, or you can just type-in in a web browser Title 33 laws of Alabama. That is the marine boating laws of Alabama. If you have any questions or any concerns or doubts, that's where you can find your information."

WATCH: Fourth of July boating safety: ALEA senior trooper answers questions

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