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Official: Redstone Arsenal ‘thriving’ and ready for growth

Redstone Arsenal leaders say the arsenal is ready for growth and its relationship with the community has "never been better."

Leaders on Redstone Arsenal say they’re prepared for future growth and have plans to keep the arsenal on a path to success. 

On Friday they gave an update to local media outlets. The Lieutenant General’s main takeaways from it are to let the community know that the arsenal is prepared to accommodate growth and its relationship with the community has “never been better.”

Lieutenant General Edward Daly says infrastructure and education are two main focuses right now. He says education and supporting the workforce are vital to the arsenal’s future success. 

“It’s important that our families have the right opportunities for education so that they have the right choices and they have the right opportunities,” Daly said. “This is hugely important. I think it’s one of the two biggest factors for Redstone not only to remain relevant but for Redstone to continue to be a place of choice for service.”  

Community Partnerships are another big priority. He says up to 1,500 people have gotten access passes that let them on to the installation. 

Daly says Redstone is leasing the U.S. Space and Rocket Center more than 100 acres for them to use at not cost to them. He says Redstone Gateway is a quarter full and in 10 years is expected to generate $10 million every year.

Daly says some initiatives happening now include the Army Futures Command and hypersonic weapon project office as well as infrastructure improvements.

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